Sunday, December 30, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
A guy walks into a classroom and shoots 20 children causing a nation to believe it's time to re-examine gun laws.
Whereas during 2012, in the US alone, 1.2 MILLION unborn children were hacked apart and discarded like trash, but, that's OK.
IMO, it's time for us as a nation to re-examine ourselves.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Lately, I have been seeing postings that are bragging on GM's performance...making a profit...investing in US...blah, blah, blah. What a crock!!! Even Steve Erwin never saw a crock that big!!!
Keeping it simple...not going into their balance sheet...not going into their statements of cash flow...not going into their statements of income/loss, this is the bottom line: The taxpayers, that's you and me "invested" in GM to the tune of 500M shares @$53/share. GM stock at 10:10am, 27 Dec is $27.80/share. Now, let's do the math... Our "investment" was 500,000,000 @$53 = $26.5B. The current value of our "investment" is 500,000,000 @$27.80 = $13.9B. Now, unless basic math has changed since I was in school, the taxpayers, you and I are in the hole/upside down/under water to the tune of $12.6B.
IMO: that is nothing to brag about.
OK boys & girls, there you have it.
Keeping it simple...not going into their balance sheet...not going into their statements of cash flow...not going into their statements of income/loss, this is the bottom line: The taxpayers, that's you and me "invested" in GM to the tune of 500M shares @$53/share. GM stock at 10:10am, 27 Dec is $27.80/share. Now, let's do the math... Our "investment" was 500,000,000 @$53 = $26.5B. The current value of our "investment" is 500,000,000 @$27.80 = $13.9B. Now, unless basic math has changed since I was in school, the taxpayers, you and I are in the hole/upside down/under water to the tune of $12.6B.
IMO: that is nothing to brag about.
OK boys & girls, there you have it.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Our president and his family are assigned protection by the Secret Service, the military and the police...all equipped with automatic weapons and body armor.
No one is assigned to protect me and my family except us and our 2nd Amendment, but, we can live with this arrangement.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
The least qualified folks (citizens and politicians) to give advice/opinion on how to stop mass shootings is an unfettered abortion supporter who finds the daily massacre of thousands of unborn humans acceptable.
Decades of failed liberal policy have made it difficult to force people with severe mental diseases to be treated or institutionalized. And, then we are all shocked when these same dysfunctional individuals go on a shooting rampage like we witnessed last Friday.
As a result of public efforts to transform the mental health care system to characterize mentally ill people as “Just thinking differently”, and characterizing mental health care as some form of evil, we now have a system that makes it virtually impossible to get folks the care they need.Deinstitutionalization policies driven by “do good” liberals and the federal government put focus on limited bad acts. Kenneth Kesey wrote a story based on his LSD induced observations in one VA mental hospital. Once his story was put into film, his small example falsely characterized the bulk of mental health care as dehumanizing and made it impossible to force the Gerald Laughners and the Adam Lanzas of the world to get treatment.
Liberals and Progressives will focus on gun control after the Sandy Hook school massacre.
The focus should be on failed liberal policies that excuse rather than assist extremely dysfunctional individuals.
Friday, December 14, 2012
The media, pundits, and leaders from both political parties continue to warn of the impending fiscal cliff. Amidst all this chatter, four myths are being promoted as established fact. That is a huge load of horse manure. All are incorrect. Public policy based on such mythology threatens this nation’s economic well-being.
MYTH 1: The Essence of the Fiscal Cliff
According to accepted political wisdom, the fiscal cliff refers to diminished economic growth resulting from increased tax rates on the middle class combined with federal discretionary spending cuts. Acceptance of this definition ignores the actual fiscal cliff. The REAL fiscal cliff is the economic ruin that long term structural deficits and excess spending built into our federal budget through baseline budgeting. If federal spending actually strengthened the economy, we would be experiencing an unrivaled boom. Instead, we are in the midst of a post WWII record low employment level growth. The real fiscal cliff is caused—not avoided—by high federal spending.
MYTH 2: The spending cuts are too deep
Over the past 20 years, federal spending has grown a cumulative 71% in excess of inflation. In 1992, federal spending was $2.079 trillion in 2012 dollars. In 2012, federal spending totaled $3.563 trillion. The aim of the sequestration is across the board spending cuts with the goal of reducing the deficit by $1 trillion over ten years. In the first year of sequestration, $109.4 billion in cuts would occur from the 2010 budget baseline. This totals just 3.1% of the total 2012 budget. In fact, because the baseline grows each and every year, most of the cuts are not really cuts at all! The baseline cap—which grows every year—is simply reduced from previous estimates. Of course, cuts to military and non-discretionary spending exceed 7% of the baseline for 2013. The military cuts are of particular concern. However, to suggest that finding 3.1% savings in the overall federal budget is somehow extreme simply denies reality.
These modest cuts will leave spending at levels still far higher than the Clinton era and even the George W. Bush era. And spending increases each and every year after 2013 under the sequestration! In fact, in 2018, non-defense discretionary spending returns to an all-time high under these “cuts.”
MYTH 3: We have a “revenue” problem
The revenue problem refers to the notion that revenues are too low. Typically, special attention is drawn to the tax rates paid by the “wealthy.” However, taxes are not too low. In actuality, taxes are too high. Once again, take a look at the last 20 years. In 1992, federal tax revenue totaled $1.642 trillion in 2012 dollars. In 2012, revenue skyrocketed to $2.435 trillion in 2012 dollars. While federal spending has eclipsed revenue by more than $1 trillion each of the last four years, too little revenue has not been the culprit!
During the past 20 years, the population has increased from 256 million to 314 million, a 22% increase. If federal spending increased only at the inflation rate PLUS this 22% increase in population, the current budgetary situation would be far different. How different? Total spending in 2012 would be $2.543 trillion with a resulted deficit of just $119 billion dollars. Federal spending limited to just inflation plus population growth over the last 20 years would result in 90% deficit reduction.
Yet, the politicians who willfully expanded federal spending far beyond inflation and far beyond population growth now claim “low revenues” have brought us to the brink of fiscal disaster. Such a claim is untrue—and avoids the reality that deep spending cuts – not tax increases-- are now needed.
MYTH 4: Deep spending cuts will harm economic growth
In actuality, behemoth government spending is curtailing economic growth in the present. The sluggish pace of economic growth, languid job growth, and the record low labor force participation rate are all due in large part to high government spending and borrowing. Every dollar spent by the federal government is one either siphoned away from the private sector in the form of taxation, borrowed, or printed by Federal Reserve through its federal bond buying program. Taxation reduces the amount of capital available to stimulate development of supply of goods and services, borrowing diverts capital from private sector business development, and the Federal Reserve’s efforts to keep bond buying “affordable” discourages the accumulation of capital by artificially depressing long term interest rates. These harmful actions are occurring now—and are impacting economic growth in the present. Economic growth will improve once this spending trajectory is reversed.
With more capital left in the private sector, supply capacity will expand. Businesses, manufactures, and the private sector will have more funds to grow. Capital in the private sector creates more capital as businesses prosper. Greater supply of goods and service translates directly to greater per capita income.
Until our political leaders recognize that the fiscal cliff is one caused by too much federal spending rather than by spending cuts, we will continue to endure sub par economic growth and burden future generations with enormous debt.
Now, there you have it.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Right-to-work does not affect collective bargaining in any way, except for making it impossible for unions to negotiate contracts that force workers to pay union dues, Everything else -- wages, terms and conditions of employment, benefits, continues with collective bargaining as before.
Dear Mitt,
Thank you for turning aside from a life of ease and security to run for the presidency against an incumbent.
Thank you for enduring the slander of you, your family, and your faith perpetrated by a criminally negligent media.
Thank you for calling terrorism by its right name.
Thank for selecting Paul Ryan as your running mate.
Thank you -- and your lovely wife -- for demonstrating th
e power and beauty of true love.
Thank you for handling yourself with grace and equanimity in every situation.
Thank you for your patriotism.
Thank you for believing in America .
It is to our eternal shame that America did not believe in you.
Thank you for handling yourself with grace and equanimity in every situation.
Thank you for your patriotism.
Thank you for believing in America .
It is to our eternal shame that America did not believe in you.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Think unions are concerned about the American worker...think's all about power & influence.
With RTW laws in place, workers will be still able to choose to join a union and further, the workers will have control how their money is spent...the workers may choose to have a handle on their money or they may choose to leave it all up to the, that is pro-choice.
Unions depend on their money from dues for a variety of election activities, and the less money they have to do that, the less influence they have. The recent election shows if you want to play the game, it takes money. The less you have, the less your voice will be heard.
There you have it!
With RTW laws in place, workers will be still able to choose to join a union and further, the workers will have control how their money is spent...the workers may choose to have a handle on their money or they may choose to leave it all up to the, that is pro-choice.
Unions depend on their money from dues for a variety of election activities, and the less money they have to do that, the less influence they have. The recent election shows if you want to play the game, it takes money. The less you have, the less your voice will be heard.
There you have it!
Does anyone else see the hypocrisy playing out in Michigan with the right-to-work pending legislation and protest? It is funny how the Left is pro-choice on one very specific issue but against choice when it comes to individual liberty and freedom.
In this instance it is playing out with an individual decision to become a union member. Should not middle income American workers be able to determine where they want their wages, (already horribly depressed in this economy), to go? Obviously not — seems the liberal progressives’ definition of liberty is someone taking the liberty to decide what is best for you and your life.
To me, this is tyranny!
In this instance it is playing out with an individual decision to become a union member. Should not middle income American workers be able to determine where they want their wages, (already horribly depressed in this economy), to go? Obviously not — seems the liberal progressives’ definition of liberty is someone taking the liberty to decide what is best for you and your life.
To me, this is tyranny!
New insurance fee in health overhaul law to hit consumers...
It will phase out completely in 2017 -- unless Congress, with lawmakers searching everywhere for revenue to reduce federal deficits -- decides to extend it.
Anyone NOT see this coming?
It will phase out completely in 2017 -- unless Congress, with lawmakers searching everywhere for revenue to reduce federal deficits -- decides to extend it.
Anyone NOT see this coming?
Monday, December 10, 2012
If they were really pro-choice, they would let me choose whether or not to pay for their contraception and abortions.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Having arrived at the Gates of Heaven, Barack Obama meets a man with a beard.
'Are you Mohammed?' he asks.
'No my son, I am St. Peter; Mohammed is higher up.' Peter then points to a ladder that rises into the clouds.
Delighted that Mohammed should be higher than St. Peter, Obama climbs the ladder in great strides, climbs up through the clouds and comes into a room where he meets another bearded man.
He asks again, 'Are you Mohammed?' 'Why no,' he answers, 'I am Moses; Mohammed is higher still.'
Exhausted, but with a heart full of joy he climbs the ladder yet again.
He discovers a larger room where he meets an angelic looking man with a beard. Full of hope, he asks again, 'Are you Mohammed?'
'No, I am Jesus, the Christ; you will find Mohammed higher up.'
Mohammed higher than Jesus! Man, oh man! Obama can hardly contain his delight and climbs and climbs ever higher.
Once again, he reaches an even larger room where he meets this truly magnificent looking man with a silver white beard and once again repeats his question: 'Are you Mohammed?' he gasps as he is by now, totally out of breath from all his climbing.
'No, my son, I am Almighty God, the Alpha and the Omega, but you look exhausted. Would you like a cup of coffee?'
Obama says, 'Yes please!'
God looks behind him, claps his hands and yells out: "Yo, Mohammed, two coffees!"
Keep your trust in God; your president is an idiot.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
"We should never despair, our situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better, so I trust, it will again. If new difficulties arise, we must only put forth new exertions and proportion our efforts to the exigency of the times."
~George Washington, letter to Philip Schuyler, 1777~
~George Washington, letter to Philip Schuyler, 1777~
Monday, December 3, 2012
Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have rejoiced in their loss of freedom who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.
~Marcus Cicero~
~Marcus Cicero~
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Obamacare + Natural attrition = critical mass for our health care
Most folks are not aware of this, but, the reality is:
Effective 1 Jan 2013, the reimbursement rate to physicians/medical service provider for their medicare and medicaid patients will be further cut by another two to twenty seven percent (aka funding for obamacare).
BHO, his administration and the BHO propaganda machine (aka main stream media) have conveniently overlooked this tidbit in their information dissemination to US. Anyone recall that statement from Nancy Pelosi, "we have to first pass this bill to see what is in it"?
Just how do you think this will affect the medical providers?
Remember the Hostess employees who decided to completely give up their jobs instead of taking a measly eight percent cut in their income?!?! In other words some brainiac and a bunch of sheeple decide it is better to give up 100% than just 8%.
Medical service providers will be closing up shop or cease taking medicare/medicaid patients.
Just how do you think this will affect the folks (your elderly family members, your elderly neighbors, and yes, even you) who depend upon medicare/medicaid as their primary or secondary provider?
Anyone doing the math or connecting the dots or drawing conclusions yet?
I don't know about you, but, I'm going to be laughing all the way to the showers.
Most folks are not aware of this, but, the reality is:
Effective 1 Jan 2013, the reimbursement rate to physicians/medical service provider for their medicare and medicaid patients will be further cut by another two to twenty seven percent (aka funding for obamacare).
BHO, his administration and the BHO propaganda machine (aka main stream media) have conveniently overlooked this tidbit in their information dissemination to US. Anyone recall that statement from Nancy Pelosi, "we have to first pass this bill to see what is in it"?
Just how do you think this will affect the medical providers?
Remember the Hostess employees who decided to completely give up their jobs instead of taking a measly eight percent cut in their income?!?! In other words some brainiac and a bunch of sheeple decide it is better to give up 100% than just 8%.
Medical service providers will be closing up shop or cease taking medicare/medicaid patients.
Just how do you think this will affect the folks (your elderly family members, your elderly neighbors, and yes, even you) who depend upon medicare/medicaid as their primary or secondary provider?
Anyone doing the math or connecting the dots or drawing conclusions yet?
I don't know about you, but, I'm going to be laughing all the way to the showers.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Here is an excellent article by an Associate Professor at Notre Dame who spells out her view of our nation’s future after the last election. I think she nails it. It is not a pretty picture for our next generation, unless we can change the direction.
It is a long read but please take the time to absorb her appraisal.
A perspective from an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Notre Dame, Laura Hollis. She was previously a Director at Gigot Center for Entrepreneurial Studies and an Associate Director and Clinical Professor at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. She is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame Law School with an undergraduate degree from Notre Dame.
I am already reading so many pundits and other talking heads analyzing the disaster that was this year's elections. I am adding my own ten cents. Here goes:
1. We are outnumbered. We accurately foresaw the enthusiasm, the passion, the commitment, the determination, and the turnout. Married women, men, independents, Catholics, evangelicals - they all went for Romney in percentages as high or higher than the groups which voted for McCain in 2008. It wasn't enough. What we saw in the election on Tuesday was a tipping point: we are now at a place where there are legitimately fewer Americans who desire a free republic with a free people than there are those who think the government should give them stuff. There are fewer of us who believe in the value of free exchange and free enterprise. There are fewer of us who do not wish to demonize successful people in order to justify taking from them. We are outnumbered. For the moment. It's just that simple.
2. It wasn't the candidate(s). Some are already saying, "Romney was the wrong guy"; "He should have picked Marco Rubio to get Florida/Rob Portman to get Ohio/Chris Christie to get [someplace else]." With all due respect, these assessments are incorrect. Romney ran a strategic and well-organized campaign. Yes, he could have hit harder on Benghazi. But for those who would have loved that, there are those who would have found it distasteful. No matter what tactic you could point to that Romney could have done better, it would have been spun in a way that was detrimental to his chances. Romney would have been an excellent president, and Ryan was an inspired choice. No matter who we ran this year, they would have lost. See #1, above.
3. It's the culture, stupid. We have been trying to fight this battle every four years at the voting booth. It is long past time we admit that that is not where the battle really is. We abdicated control of the culture - starting back in the 1960s. And now our largest primary social institutions - education, the media, Hollywood (entertainment) have become really nothing more than an assembly line for cranking out reliable little Leftists. Furthermore, we have allowed the government to undermine the institutions that instill good character - marriage, the family, communities, schools, our churches. So, here we are, at least two full generations later - we are reaping what we have sown. It took nearly fifty years to get here; it will take another fifty years to get back. But it starts with the determination to reclaim education, the media, and the entertainment business. If we fail to do that, we can kiss every election goodbye from here on out. And much more.
4. America has become a nation of adolescents. The real loser in this election was adulthood: Maturity. Responsibility. The understanding that liberty must be accompanied by self-restraint. Obama is a spoiled child, and the behavior and language of his followers and their advertisements throughout the campaign makes it clear how many of them are, as well. Romney is a grown-up. Romney should have won. Those of us who expected him to win assumed that voters would act like grownups. Because if we were a nation of grownups, he would have won.
But what did win? Sex. Drugs. Bad language. Bad manners. Vulgarity. Lies. Cheating. Name-calling. Finger-pointing. Blaming. And irresponsible spending. This does not bode well. People grow up one of two ways: either they choose to, or circumstances force them to. The warnings are all there, whether it is the looming economic disaster, or the inability of the government to respond to crises like Hurricane Sandy, or the growing strength and brazenness of our enemies. American voters stick their fingers in their ears and say, "Lalalalalala, I can't hear you." It is unpleasant to think about the circumstances it will take to force Americans to grow up. It is even more unpleasant to think about Obama at the helm when those circumstances arrive.
5. Yes, there is apparently a Vagina Vote. It's the subject matter of another column in its entirety to point out, one by one, all of the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of the Democrats this year. Suffice it to say that the only "war on women" was the one waged by the Obama campaign, which sexualized and objectified women, featuring them dressed up like vulvas at the Democrat National Convention, appealing to their "lady parts," comparing voting to losing your virginity with Obama, trumpeting the thrills of destroying our children in the womb (and using our daughters in commercials to do so), and making Catholics pay for their birth control. For a significant number of women, this was appealing. It might call into question the wisdom of the Nineteenth Amendment, but for the fact that large numbers of women (largely married) used their "lady smarts" instead. Either way, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton are rolling over in their graves.
6. It's not about giving up on "social issues". No Republican candidate should participate in a debate or go out on the stump without thorough debate prep and a complete set of talking points that they stick to. This should start with a good grounding in biology and a reluctance to purport to know the will of God. (Thank you, Todd and Richard.)
That said, we do not hold the values we do because they garner votes. We hold the values we do because we believe that they are time-tested principles without which a civilized, free and prosperous society is not possible. We defend the unborn because we understand that a society which views some lives as expendable is capable of viewing all lives as expendable. We defend family - mothers, fathers, marriage, children - because history makes it quite clear that societies without intact families quickly descend into anarchy and barbarism, and we have plenty of proof of that in our inner cities where marriage is infrequent and unwed motherhood approaches 80 percent. When Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, many thought that the abortion cause was lost. Forty years later, ultrasound technology has demonstrated the inevitable connection between science and morality. More Americans than ever define themselves as "pro-life." What is tragic is that tens of millions of children have lost their lives while Americans figure out what should have been obvious before. There is no "giving up" on social issues. There is only the realization that we have to fight the battle on other fronts. The truth will out in the end.
7. Obama does not have a mandate. And he does not need one. I have to laugh - bitterly - when I read conservative pundits trying to assure us that Obama "has to know" that he does not have a mandate, and so he will have to govern from the middle. I don't know what they're smoking. Obama does not care that he does not have a mandate. He does not view himself as being elected (much less re-elected) to represent individuals. He views himself as having been re-elected to complete the "fundamental transformation" of America, the basic structure of which he despises. Expect much more of the same - largely the complete disregard of the will of half the American public, his willingness to rule by executive order, and the utter inability of another divided Congress to rein him in. Stanley Kurtz has it all laid out here <http://www.nationalreview. com/corner/332840/get-ready- obama-s-first-term-stanley- kurtz>; .
8. The Corrupt Media is the enemy. Too strong? I don't think so. I have been watching the media try to throw elections since at least the early 1990s. In 2008 and again this year, we saw the media cravenly cover up for the incompetence and deceit of this President, while demonizing a good, honorable and decent man with lies and smears. This is on top of the daily barrage of insults that conservatives (and by that I mean the electorate, not the politicians) must endure at the hands of this arrogant bunch of elitist snobs. Bias is one thing. What we observed with Benghazi was professional malpractice and fraud. They need to go. Republicans, Libertarians and other conservatives need to be prepared to play hardball with the Pravda press from here on out. And while we are at it, to defend those journalists of whatever political stripe (Jake Tapper, Sharyl Atkisson, Eli Lake) who actually do their jobs. As well as Fox News and talk radio. Because you can fully expect a re-elected Obama to try to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine in term 2.
9. Small business and entrepreneurs will be hurt the worst For all the blather about "Wall Street versus Main Street," Obama's statist agenda will unquestionably benefit the biggest corporations which - as with the public sector unions - are in the best position to make campaign donations, hire lobbyists, and get special exemptions carved out from Obama's health care laws, his environmental regulations, his labor laws. It will be the small business, the entrepreneur, and the first-time innovators who will be crushed by their inability to compete on a level playing field.
10. America is more polarized than ever; and this time it's personal I've been following politics for a long time, and it feels different this time. Not just for me. I've received messages from other conservatives who are saying the same thing: there is little to no tolerance left out there for those who are bringing this country to its knees - even when they have been our friends. It isn't just about "my guy" versus "your guy." It is my view of America versus your view of America - a crippled, hemorrhaging, debt-laden, weakened and dependent America that I want no part of and resent being foisted on me. I no longer have any patience for stupidity, blindness, or vulgarity, so with each dumb "tweet" or FB post by one of my happily lefty comrades, another one bites the dust, for me. Delete. What does this portend for a divided Congress? I expect that Republicans will be demoralized and chastened for a short time. But I see them in a bad position. Americans in general want Congress to work together. But many do not want Obama's policies, and so Republicans who support them will be toast. Good luck, guys.
11. It's possible that America just has to hit rock bottom I truly believe that most Americans who voted for Obama have no idea what they are in for. Most simply believe him when he says that all he really wants is for the rich to pay "a little bit more." So reasonable! Who could argue with that except a greedy racist?
America is on a horrific bender. Has been for some time now. The warning signs of our fiscal profligacy and culture of lack of personal responsibility are everywhere - too many to mention. We need only look at other countries which have gone the route we are walking now to see what is in store.
For the past four years - but certainly within the past campaign season - we have tried to warn Americans. Too many refuse to listen, even when all of the events that have transpired during Obama's presidency - unemployment, economic stagnation, skyrocketing prices, the depression of the dollar, the collapse of foreign policy, Benghazi, hopelessly inept responses to natural disasters - can be tied directly to Obama's statist philosophies, and his decisions.
What that means, I fear, is that they will not see what is coming until the whole thing collapses. That is what makes me so sad today. I see the country I love headed toward its own "rock bottom," and I cannot seem to reach those who are taking it there.
I am already reading so many pundits and other talking heads analyzing the disaster that was this year's elections. I am adding my own ten cents. Here goes:
1. We are outnumbered. We accurately foresaw the enthusiasm, the passion, the commitment, the determination, and the turnout. Married women, men, independents, Catholics, evangelicals - they all went for Romney in percentages as high or higher than the groups which voted for McCain in 2008. It wasn't enough. What we saw in the election on Tuesday was a tipping point: we are now at a place where there are legitimately fewer Americans who desire a free republic with a free people than there are those who think the government should give them stuff. There are fewer of us who believe in the value of free exchange and free enterprise. There are fewer of us who do not wish to demonize successful people in order to justify taking from them. We are outnumbered. For the moment. It's just that simple.
2. It wasn't the candidate(s). Some are already saying, "Romney was the wrong guy"; "He should have picked Marco Rubio to get Florida/Rob Portman to get Ohio/Chris Christie to get [someplace else]." With all due respect, these assessments are incorrect. Romney ran a strategic and well-organized campaign. Yes, he could have hit harder on Benghazi. But for those who would have loved that, there are those who would have found it distasteful. No matter what tactic you could point to that Romney could have done better, it would have been spun in a way that was detrimental to his chances. Romney would have been an excellent president, and Ryan was an inspired choice. No matter who we ran this year, they would have lost. See #1, above.
3. It's the culture, stupid. We have been trying to fight this battle every four years at the voting booth. It is long past time we admit that that is not where the battle really is. We abdicated control of the culture - starting back in the 1960s. And now our largest primary social institutions - education, the media, Hollywood (entertainment) have become really nothing more than an assembly line for cranking out reliable little Leftists. Furthermore, we have allowed the government to undermine the institutions that instill good character - marriage, the family, communities, schools, our churches. So, here we are, at least two full generations later - we are reaping what we have sown. It took nearly fifty years to get here; it will take another fifty years to get back. But it starts with the determination to reclaim education, the media, and the entertainment business. If we fail to do that, we can kiss every election goodbye from here on out. And much more.
4. America has become a nation of adolescents. The real loser in this election was adulthood: Maturity. Responsibility. The understanding that liberty must be accompanied by self-restraint. Obama is a spoiled child, and the behavior and language of his followers and their advertisements throughout the campaign makes it clear how many of them are, as well. Romney is a grown-up. Romney should have won. Those of us who expected him to win assumed that voters would act like grownups. Because if we were a nation of grownups, he would have won.
But what did win? Sex. Drugs. Bad language. Bad manners. Vulgarity. Lies. Cheating. Name-calling. Finger-pointing. Blaming. And irresponsible spending. This does not bode well. People grow up one of two ways: either they choose to, or circumstances force them to. The warnings are all there, whether it is the looming economic disaster, or the inability of the government to respond to crises like Hurricane Sandy, or the growing strength and brazenness of our enemies. American voters stick their fingers in their ears and say, "Lalalalalala, I can't hear you." It is unpleasant to think about the circumstances it will take to force Americans to grow up. It is even more unpleasant to think about Obama at the helm when those circumstances arrive.
5. Yes, there is apparently a Vagina Vote. It's the subject matter of another column in its entirety to point out, one by one, all of the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of the Democrats this year. Suffice it to say that the only "war on women" was the one waged by the Obama campaign, which sexualized and objectified women, featuring them dressed up like vulvas at the Democrat National Convention, appealing to their "lady parts," comparing voting to losing your virginity with Obama, trumpeting the thrills of destroying our children in the womb (and using our daughters in commercials to do so), and making Catholics pay for their birth control. For a significant number of women, this was appealing. It might call into question the wisdom of the Nineteenth Amendment, but for the fact that large numbers of women (largely married) used their "lady smarts" instead. Either way, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton are rolling over in their graves.
6. It's not about giving up on "social issues". No Republican candidate should participate in a debate or go out on the stump without thorough debate prep and a complete set of talking points that they stick to. This should start with a good grounding in biology and a reluctance to purport to know the will of God. (Thank you, Todd and Richard.)
That said, we do not hold the values we do because they garner votes. We hold the values we do because we believe that they are time-tested principles without which a civilized, free and prosperous society is not possible. We defend the unborn because we understand that a society which views some lives as expendable is capable of viewing all lives as expendable. We defend family - mothers, fathers, marriage, children - because history makes it quite clear that societies without intact families quickly descend into anarchy and barbarism, and we have plenty of proof of that in our inner cities where marriage is infrequent and unwed motherhood approaches 80 percent. When Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, many thought that the abortion cause was lost. Forty years later, ultrasound technology has demonstrated the inevitable connection between science and morality. More Americans than ever define themselves as "pro-life." What is tragic is that tens of millions of children have lost their lives while Americans figure out what should have been obvious before. There is no "giving up" on social issues. There is only the realization that we have to fight the battle on other fronts. The truth will out in the end.
7. Obama does not have a mandate. And he does not need one. I have to laugh - bitterly - when I read conservative pundits trying to assure us that Obama "has to know" that he does not have a mandate, and so he will have to govern from the middle. I don't know what they're smoking. Obama does not care that he does not have a mandate. He does not view himself as being elected (much less re-elected) to represent individuals. He views himself as having been re-elected to complete the "fundamental transformation" of America, the basic structure of which he despises. Expect much more of the same - largely the complete disregard of the will of half the American public, his willingness to rule by executive order, and the utter inability of another divided Congress to rein him in. Stanley Kurtz has it all laid out here <http://www.nationalreview.
8. The Corrupt Media is the enemy. Too strong? I don't think so. I have been watching the media try to throw elections since at least the early 1990s. In 2008 and again this year, we saw the media cravenly cover up for the incompetence and deceit of this President, while demonizing a good, honorable and decent man with lies and smears. This is on top of the daily barrage of insults that conservatives (and by that I mean the electorate, not the politicians) must endure at the hands of this arrogant bunch of elitist snobs. Bias is one thing. What we observed with Benghazi was professional malpractice and fraud. They need to go. Republicans, Libertarians and other conservatives need to be prepared to play hardball with the Pravda press from here on out. And while we are at it, to defend those journalists of whatever political stripe (Jake Tapper, Sharyl Atkisson, Eli Lake) who actually do their jobs. As well as Fox News and talk radio. Because you can fully expect a re-elected Obama to try to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine in term 2.
9. Small business and entrepreneurs will be hurt the worst For all the blather about "Wall Street versus Main Street," Obama's statist agenda will unquestionably benefit the biggest corporations which - as with the public sector unions - are in the best position to make campaign donations, hire lobbyists, and get special exemptions carved out from Obama's health care laws, his environmental regulations, his labor laws. It will be the small business, the entrepreneur, and the first-time innovators who will be crushed by their inability to compete on a level playing field.
10. America is more polarized than ever; and this time it's personal I've been following politics for a long time, and it feels different this time. Not just for me. I've received messages from other conservatives who are saying the same thing: there is little to no tolerance left out there for those who are bringing this country to its knees - even when they have been our friends. It isn't just about "my guy" versus "your guy." It is my view of America versus your view of America - a crippled, hemorrhaging, debt-laden, weakened and dependent America that I want no part of and resent being foisted on me. I no longer have any patience for stupidity, blindness, or vulgarity, so with each dumb "tweet" or FB post by one of my happily lefty comrades, another one bites the dust, for me. Delete. What does this portend for a divided Congress? I expect that Republicans will be demoralized and chastened for a short time. But I see them in a bad position. Americans in general want Congress to work together. But many do not want Obama's policies, and so Republicans who support them will be toast. Good luck, guys.
11. It's possible that America just has to hit rock bottom I truly believe that most Americans who voted for Obama have no idea what they are in for. Most simply believe him when he says that all he really wants is for the rich to pay "a little bit more." So reasonable! Who could argue with that except a greedy racist?
America is on a horrific bender. Has been for some time now. The warning signs of our fiscal profligacy and culture of lack of personal responsibility are everywhere - too many to mention. We need only look at other countries which have gone the route we are walking now to see what is in store.
For the past four years - but certainly within the past campaign season - we have tried to warn Americans. Too many refuse to listen, even when all of the events that have transpired during Obama's presidency - unemployment, economic stagnation, skyrocketing prices, the depression of the dollar, the collapse of foreign policy, Benghazi, hopelessly inept responses to natural disasters - can be tied directly to Obama's statist philosophies, and his decisions.
What that means, I fear, is that they will not see what is coming until the whole thing collapses. That is what makes me so sad today. I see the country I love headed toward its own "rock bottom," and I cannot seem to reach those who are taking it there.
November 28th – Blogger writes the “evil” rich can pay for O’s annual 3.7T in spending. O just needs to confiscate the net worth of all billionaires ($1.3T), all income above $250,000 ($1.4T) & all 2010 Fortune 500 profits ($391B). O gets his remaining $600B by: 1) Taking the net worth of the next 100 near billionaires 2) Collecting an amount equal to the total ad expenditure of the 45 Super Bowls, all pro sports salaries & all “Star Wars” revenue (merchandise included) since 1977 3) Eliminating all funding for Afghanistan, Iraq and foreign aid & 4) Seizing and selling the 15,000 homes in Beverly Hills. Still $12.5B short. No biggie, every remaining man, woman & child kicks in 40 bucks. Done! Admittedly, with the rich now totally gutted, next year will be a bit tougher. May all Obots get calculators for Christmas!
~Thank you Iowahawk~
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
The re-election of Barack Obama surprised many of us, showing us entirely incorrect in predicting his defeat. Perhaps we placed too much hope in Mitt Romney. Certainly we misjudged the anti-Obama fervor. Perhaps we invested too much confidence in electoral trends and polls observed since 2009. And maybe our faith in The People was belief in a mirage.
Many observers saw Obama’s 2008 election an indictment of voters. How could so many people give all that power to a completely unqualified unknown? It was nonsense. Had the voters become brainwashed after decades of leftist indoctrination in public education? Were they war weary and driven by fear? Did they simply get swept up in all the hype? Or had they become uneducated, unthinking drones interested only in handouts and slogans? Did they no longer care about liberty and what it requires?
In any case it was clear Obama had at least one outstanding talent: he knew very well how to manipulate both the people and the media, and, the vast resources at this command gave him access to enormous power.
We have now seen how he wields that power: with the hammer, and the sickle. His socialist agenda is clear. His globalist vision and his Islamic sympathies are real. And still, voters don’t see these things as anti-American. ObamaCare is primarily a stepping stone to complete government takeover. Obama and his friends, notably Barney Frank, have said so. Finance reform is simply another way to usher in the age of complete government domination providing unlimited bailouts to corporations that cooperate, and contribute, to the correct campaigns. The list goes on, from other takeovers of private industry, to cap and trade, gun control, ceding more and more sovereignty to the United Nations, and so on, the agenda is clear: American must be diminished so that global governance can emerge.
Those of us who misread the trends and the temperature of the voters must now admit that Americans are not so concerned with liberty and economic freedom as they are with their own personal, short-term comforts and the pursuit of a mirage, the utopian dream of peace on earth thanks to the benevolence of man.
Analysts can talk all day about the Hispanic vote, women voters, lackluster Republicans, turnout, so-called evangelicals voting for an abortionist, even the accusation of voter fraud and corrupt campaign financing. But the bottom line is: 52% of the people in this country no longer know what it means to be an American, and worse, they don’t care. Instead, they are willing to give all power to a select few, placing all their faith in that small group of anti-American ideologues.
History is a harsh teacher. Whenever that kind of power is vested in a few egomaniacs with global ambitions, it always leads to death and destruction on a massive scale.
Hundreds of missiles landing in Israel these days is a foreshadow of much worse to come. The tragedy is Americans had a chance to turn it around on November 6th. Instead we retreated and voted our own appetites, our own self-interest, and our own narrow vision of utopia, a false dream promoted by the false prophet, a man who showed his real heart watching Americans murdered in Benghazi, in real time, and he did nothing. Their cries for help were ringing in his ears, and he refused to send aid, then lied to us about the entire tragedy, over and over, for weeks.
Do you really believe your welfare is more important than his ideology, his personal and political ambition?
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Financial safety nets are surely worthy. We can't let the elderly and children suffer because they don't have resources. But what's happening in America is far more than simply expanding a needed safety net.
Twenty years ago, the feds spent 9 percent of the total budget on entitlements other than Medicare and Social Security. Now, the number is 16 percent. Liberals scream that it's because of the bad economy. Not true.
Twenty years ago, unemployment among African-Americans was 14.3 percent. This year, it is 14.3 percent. In the Hispanic-American precincts, unemployment in 1992 was 11 percent; today, it's 10 percent.
It is the liberal culture that is driving the entitlement mentality, and that is destructive to the country. The truth is that folks who get stuff are not likely to be as motivated as people who work for things. Freebies sap initiative. Even I would not vote against Santa Claus.
We are living in a "Where's mine?" age. "If at first you don't succeed, then ask for things to be given to you." A record amount of Americans are receiving food stamps, and more workers are on federal disability than ever before. The Democrat Party actively supports the entitlement expansion, and that absolutely helped Barack Obama get re-elected earlier this month.
As we continue down this road, say hello to Emperor Nero. Same thing happened in Ancient Rome. Look it up. The population became weak and unmotivated, and Roman power collapsed as individual ambition was crushed by selfishness and dependence on the state.
The question used to be, "Who's your daddy?" Now, it's, "Who's your nanny?"
And we all know the answer.
Twenty years ago, the feds spent 9 percent of the total budget on entitlements other than Medicare and Social Security. Now, the number is 16 percent. Liberals scream that it's because of the bad economy. Not true.
Twenty years ago, unemployment among African-Americans was 14.3 percent. This year, it is 14.3 percent. In the Hispanic-American precincts, unemployment in 1992 was 11 percent; today, it's 10 percent.
It is the liberal culture that is driving the entitlement mentality, and that is destructive to the country. The truth is that folks who get stuff are not likely to be as motivated as people who work for things. Freebies sap initiative. Even I would not vote against Santa Claus.
We are living in a "Where's mine?" age. "If at first you don't succeed, then ask for things to be given to you." A record amount of Americans are receiving food stamps, and more workers are on federal disability than ever before. The Democrat Party actively supports the entitlement expansion, and that absolutely helped Barack Obama get re-elected earlier this month.
As we continue down this road, say hello to Emperor Nero. Same thing happened in Ancient Rome. Look it up. The population became weak and unmotivated, and Roman power collapsed as individual ambition was crushed by selfishness and dependence on the state.
The question used to be, "Who's your daddy?" Now, it's, "Who's your nanny?"
And we all know the answer.
The State is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
It makes me lie down in federally owned pastures.
It leads me beside quiet waters in banned fishing areas.
It restores my soul through its control.
It guides me in the path of dependency for its namesake.
Even though our nation plunges into the valley of the shadow of debt,
I will fear no evil,
For Barack will be with me.
The Affordable Care Act and food stamps,
They comfort me.
You prepare a table of Michelle Obama approved foods before me in the presence of my Conservative and Libertarian enemies.
You anoint my head with hemp oil;
My government regulated 16-ounce cup overflows.
Surely mediocrity and an entitlement mentality will follow me
All the days of my life,
And I will dwell in a low-rent HUD home forever and ever.
~Thank You Doug Giles~
I shall not want.
It makes me lie down in federally owned pastures.
It leads me beside quiet waters in banned fishing areas.
It restores my soul through its control.
It guides me in the path of dependency for its namesake.
Even though our nation plunges into the valley of the shadow of debt,
I will fear no evil,
For Barack will be with me.
The Affordable Care Act and food stamps,
They comfort me.
You prepare a table of Michelle Obama approved foods before me in the presence of my Conservative and Libertarian enemies.
You anoint my head with hemp oil;
My government regulated 16-ounce cup overflows.
Surely mediocrity and an entitlement mentality will follow me
All the days of my life,
And I will dwell in a low-rent HUD home forever and ever.
~Thank You Doug Giles~
Saturday, November 24, 2012
- You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
- What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
- The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from someone else.
- You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
- When half the folks get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and, when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they worked for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.
- Is this the 10th year of war on terror, or,
- Is it the 1400th year of Islam's war on Infidels?
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
- Jim Matheson, Utah's 2nd congressional district defeated Mia Love, and,
- Patrick Murphy, Florida's 18th congressional district defeated Allen West.
Both very white and both males and both Democrats.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
"Let it crash!" "Give them what they want and they'll see what happens!" "Surely, once the left's programs are implemented and the economy crashes, people will come to their senses."
Since the election, many on the right have echoed these very words. They are convinced that widespread poverty and lack of opportunity will bring a resurgence of the America many of them knew growing up. Grandma and Grandpa's America. HA!
These folks forget that FDR was elected three times during a depression that he helped prolong -- a depression that featured soup lines and starvation in a population that actually wanted to work for a living and went on relief only as a last resort, and then with a sense of shame.
Thanks to food stamps, EBT cards, and other entitlements, Barack Obama actually had an easier time. All he ad to do was threaten that the evil rich would take away flat-screens and "crazy money" to get enough votes. Imagine if people were really hungry.
FDR and the Great Depression is only a mild example of what happens during severe economic stress. Think about Germany during the Weimar Republic hyperinflation. What did that give the world? Look at Argentina, at one time in the twentieth century more prosperous than the United States. Cristina Fernandez easily won re-election after she nationalized retirement accounts. Do you really think that no one views your 401(k) as unfair? What could be fairer than making sure it is kept protected from the greedy Wall Street bankers? Look at what is happening in Greece, with a quazi-Nazi party gaining ground. Look at France, who elected a socialist government to solve problems caused by socialism. Go figure!
I could go on, but I think you get the point. A nation's problems are always blamed on the evil rich (insert your racial scapegoat). Do you really think it's being any different here?
What of the evil rich? According to the left, they reside only in the Republican Party. Nay my friends, not true. There are plenty on the left -- probably more if you count the super-rich. John Corzine, Jamie Dimon, George Soros, the Solyndra crew, and others who make impossible salaries on the backs of US taxpayers. Too big to fail, reckless, immune to the law, and backstopped by the taxpayer. Why take on Big Bird when you have real-life villains?
When Sarah Palin spoke in Iowa in September 2011, her message was "crony capitalism" and how we are being fleeced by both parties in Washington. This winning message was not picked up by anyone else. I had to duct tape my head to keep it from exploding on this "oversight".
But enough about this past election. What do we do to keep our country from sliding into a position where we are so destitute that we will vote for anyone who promises to give us a meal, a "healthy" meal, not a Big Mac with a Twinkie and a Big Gulp? Let's begin by looking at the Democratic Party. They are a coalition with essentially nothing in common but the fact that they all want something from someone else. Why wasn't that used against them?
The poor or those with college tuition debt vs. the über-rich?
Unions vs. evil corporate greed?
Environmentalists vs. everyone else?
Those who cannot afford their birth control vs. those who can afford it?
I could go on and on. Everyone fears something...fraud, dirty politics, Alinsky tactics, howling from the media...sure, we have heard it all before.
But, will it stick in voter's heads? Darn right it will.
If a group is playing identity politics, that's its Achilles heel. Let those who live by it succumb to it.
Remember, you have to pick off only a few. That's how the game is played when it's played to win, and you do want to win, right? Or will being allowed to carry your copy of the Bible or Atlas Shrugged into the destitute camps be enough for you?
Make no mistake: encouraging an economic crash is a bad idea. A parasite will eventually kill the host, but it usually takes a while, and there is always hope for recovery. Predators, on the other hand, devour the carcass in a rapid fashion. No easier meal can be had. Do not forget that predators are foreign to the body, and there are many circling outside our borders. Even today, there is still plenty of flesh left on America -- flesh worth fighting for by whoever wants it most.
So, take heart and do not waver.
~Thank you Ebben Raves~
~Thank you Ebben Raves~
- Fedzilla tells us we have to purchase health insurance.
- NYC Mayor tells us we can't purchase big a**ed Slurpies.
- FLOTUS tells us to not purchase Twinkies and Hostess goes belly up, DUH!
- An EX-beatle tells us to not pass the turkey this Thanksgiving, so now we have a war on Butterball.
Stay tuned boys & girls, I'm sure this does not end here.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Greg Rayburn, CEO of Hostess voluntarily cut his own salary to $1/yr. The Bakers union was unwilling to take an 8% cut even while the Teamsters union and other Hostess employees took voluntary cuts to save the company. Look who's running the Bakers' union which just bankrupted Hostess and got 16,500 workers fired! These are the ACTUAL top salaries of the Baker's union. These folks won't be out of
a job or have a lower salary.....But But But they swear it was "those greedy owners."
Overall Political Contributions to: Democrats: $1,474,204.00 (99.73 %) Republicans: $4,000.00 (.27 %) You can verify at union/ Bakery%2C_Confectionary%2C_ Tobacco_Workers_%26_Grain_ Millers
The Bakers' union decided it would be better to take a 100% pay cut for 16,500 workers instead of a 8% pay cut. They wanted $50,000 a yr while Greg Rayburn, CEO of Hostess voluntarily cut his own salary to $1/yr. The Bakers union was unwilling to take an 8% cut even while the Teamsters union and other Hostess employees took voluntary cuts to save the company.http://www.huffingtonpo/ 16/ gregory-rayburn-raise_n_214 7043.html?
Overall Political Contributions to: Democrats: $1,474,204.00 (99.73 %) Republicans: $4,000.00 (.27 %) You can verify at
The Bakers' union decided it would be better to take a 100% pay cut for 16,500 workers instead of a 8% pay cut. They wanted $50,000 a yr while Greg Rayburn, CEO of Hostess voluntarily cut his own salary to $1/yr. The Bakers union was unwilling to take an 8% cut even while the Teamsters union and other Hostess employees took voluntary cuts to save the company.http://www.huffingtonpo/
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Late last week, in a conference call with donors, Governor Mitt Romney said what we all know to be the truth: that Obama's reelection plan was to divide Americans across various lines and dole out government freebies, such as health insurance, amnesty, and birth control. The promise of these "gifts" (or the fear of losing them) would then drive out turnout, specifically among those who did turn out: blacks, students, and Hispanics -- and lo and behold, it worked.
What should worry us, though, is that some of the men who seek to carry our flag into 2016 have jumped aboard this Nonsense Train with both feet. At differing levels of indignation, Bobby Jindal, Chris Christie, and Marco Rubio have all publicly criticized Romney for telling this truth.
Speaking only for myself, let me just say that if this is the first step these men are taking towards a 2016 White House bid -- I'm not impressed. Attacking a man for telling what we all know is the truth, is political cowardice. Tactically, though, it's just dumb, and dumb will not win the White House in 2016.
What no one is blaming the loss on, however, is Romney's refusal to cave to the media when they came after him over tax returns, his comments on Libya, all those phony fact-checks, or even to distance himself from Donald Trump. Through it all, Romney stood strong, looked strong, and benefited by not demoralizing his supporters or encouraging the media through weakness to ratchet up this nonsense. Standing up to the media was something Romney did right.
If anything, in 2016, we're going to need our standard-bearers to be even more aggressive against the media, especially when it comes to not repeating a number of mistakes that were made in 2012.
We're also going to need a 2016 nominee with the sand to ensure we get better debate moderators and overall conditions during the presidential debates.
We're now in this process of soul-searching and wound-licking and self-correction -- and I'm all for that. But anyone on our side who thinks the media can be appeased by jumping on whatever anti-Republican Narrative Bandwagon they've crafted this time, will never be president. Because it's a trap. And if you show weakness, those traps never stop coming.
Caving to the media on any issue, but especially to beat up one of our own for no reason, is a massive over-correction, and a fatal one.
We're looking for strong leaders and winners in 2016, not wimps.
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