Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Supporters of the Millionaires Tax of 2012 have put out a new video vilifying Kim Kardashian for making too much money and not paying enough of it back in taxes.

So. Totally. Unfair.

“Don’t you think she should pay a little bit more?” The ad boldly asks in a chivalrous effort to stick it to them and make a stand for class warfare. The only problem is that this ad isn’t based in reality. Kim Kardashian didn’t pay only a leetle bit more in taxes than the average Golden State resident, she paid a yacht-load more.

The average Californian paid $4,371. Kim K paid $1,236,000. She paid over 280 times what the commoners paid.

Now who’s not paying their fair share?

Let me be clear, there are plenty of reasons to vilify this whiney prima donna, but the amount of money she makes isn’t one of them.

Further, 53% of Americans do not pay any income tax; conversely, that means 47% of us are carrying 100% of the load.

Now, who's not paying their fair share?

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