Tuesday, August 25, 2015


It is interesting to note that in the middle of the animal rights outcry that followed news of the death of Cecil the Lion, Zimbabwean Goodwell Nzou wrote a column in The New York Times stating his inability to understand Americans’ sorrow. After all, he stressed, Zimbabwean’s view lions as “objects of terror.”
Nzou also wrote: “[Do] all those Americans signing petitions [against lion hunting] understand that lions kill people? That all the talk about Cecil being ‘beloved’ or a ‘local favorite’ was media hype? Did Jimmy Kimmel choke up because Cecil was murdered or because he confused him with Simba from ‘The Lion King’?”


PSA BR82515.3

Thank you Ken Burns for appearing on CBS's Face the Nation this past Sunday and proclaiming for all to hear that you believe that I and millions of folks just like me are racists and even America as a whole, is a racist nation. 

You know boys & girls, I have always liked the dude’s work and at the same time, I have always thought/suspected that dude was a #pinhead #dumbass. Now, I no longer need to think that…Now, I know for sure.

PSA BR82515.1

Our Veterans, our real heroes are not just ignored by the government they defended they are labeled as potential domestic terrorists simply because they served. They are under assault by numerous federal agencies that seek to declare them incompetent to handle their own affairs and declare them too mentally ill to own firearms. They are denied not only decent medical care, but even the basic rights of all Americans to privacy and due process of law.

Our administration and the PC crowd has created a new class of “heroes” for US. I'm not buying into this mancow feces and I don't understand why a lot of you are.

An NBA player who announces that he is gay is not a hero and does not deserve a phone call from the President. Especially from a President who is effectively destroying the U.S. Military.

A thug who commits a robbery in Ferguson, Mo and is killed while attacking a police officer is not a hero and doesn’t deserve to have three representatives from the White House attend his funeral. Especially since no one from the White House attended the funeral of American sniper Chris Kyle, the funeral of U.S. Army General Harold Greene who was killed in Afghanistan, or any of the funerals of the marines and sailor killed by a terrorist in Chattanooga.

Lastly, a man who decides he really wants to be a woman and starts wearing dresses does not deserve accolades from the White House and a heroism award from a major television network.

Bottom line = the alarm is going off boys & girls...it's time to WAKE UP and see the light and read the writing on the wall.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


We here in America, have over 200 years of experience in balancing religious beliefs with other important legal and social issues.

Permitting an individual, a butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker, or any PUBLIC official to refer a PUBLIC service to another willing PUBLIC servant doesn’t infringe on anyone’s rights.


Check out what my research has uncovered: A two-megawatt windmill contains @260 tons of steel which requires @170 tons of coal and @300 tons of iron ore, all mined transported and produced by hydrocarbons. This wind turbine can spin until it falls apart and it will never, that's NEVER generate as much energy as was required to construct it. Further, keep in mind that the above does not include all the energy required to deliver the parts onsite via a constructed stone access roadway...assemble with large cranes on a concrete foundation enclosing miles of copper cable, which is mined from Mother Earth. Stepping away from the KoolAide, you should be able to see, this carbon foot print is a large one indeed...even bigger than the carbon footprint from Al Gore's home.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

PSA BR81115.02

Well boy & girls, in all honesty I must admit that after this last GOP "debate", some of the luster on Fox is fading.

PSA BR81115.01

Is it just me, or, has anyone noticed that we have arrived at the point where we "elect" our leaders based upon their promises of free stuff for US? Obama - free healthcare Sanders - college sans tuition I completely understand candidates promising the moon, however, my contention is with the voters who actually believe this mancow feces.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

PSA 712015.1

When events come to me requiring that I must choose to offend either Man or Almighty God, which do you think I will choose?

Sunday, May 24, 2015

PSA BR052415.1

A murderer will kill you,
A thief will steal from you, but,
You will never know where you stand with a liar.


“I’m not a scientist either, but I know a lot of scientists. I have the capacity to understand science. The capacity to look at facts and base my conclusions on evidence."
~Barack Obama on climate change deniers~
Now, this prompts me to ask:  Does your capacity to look at facts include ISIS, healthcare, the economy, the national debt, foreign policy, our open borders, diminished military, etc.? 

Based on your conclusions from "evidence", it certainly shows, as far as I am concerned, your serious lack of capacity to understand much of anything.

Friday, May 22, 2015


OK boys & girls, as far as I am concerned, this is settled science:  Stimulus I and II did not create new jobs.  

Whether our government has to borrow or impose new taxes or print it, the money given away in I and II was not free.  The money had to come from somewhere.  Other than China, guess where!

For all the Democrats faux concern about helping the poor, they were in it to merely help themselves.  

Bottom line = Stimulus I and II was a huge transfer of wealth as a payback to a select few for their support of Democrat candidates. 

"Shovel ready" ring a bell?


Some final thoughts for 2014 from the bean counter within me:

In the world of investment, my beloved Illinois’ credit rating is equal to the African nation of Botswana. In reality though, this comparison is unfair to Botswana, which unlike Illinois, is enjoying a growing economy.  After decades of Democratic rule kept in power by public sector unions, Illinois is the dead-beat sibling of all American states.

Illinois’ current credit rating is A-, the lowest of any state in the union, one notch about junk bond status. This dismal rating is driven largely by the state’s enormous pension costs. Currently, one in four tax dollars collected by the state goes to plug the pension hole. This is more than the state spends on elementary education (holy no child left behind Batman).   Now, here is the real scary part:  The great wave of baby boomer retirements is only just beginning.

Except for a couple years in the 1990s, Democrats have controlled the Illinois House for decades, all the while acting as the personal legislative arm of Speaker Mike Madigan, who, in addition to running the state Democrat party is the father of the state Attorney General. In the state Senate, the Democrats enjoy a super majority.

In the final analysis:  The real power behind the Democrat majority lies with public sector unions. Unions spend untold millions each year lobbying and electioneering for legislators.  This enables the public sector unions to place in power the people who decide their compensation and benefits with absolutely no attachment or regard to reality or sustainability.

Lookout Detroit…here we come.


PSA for my fellow Americans who choose to NOT pay attention...

Commies in Action: The beautiful Reconciliation Monument in Arlington National Cemetery is being taken down. Despite pleas, meetings, phon...