Tuesday, November 20, 2012


"Let it crash!"  "Give them what they want and they'll see what happens!"  "Surely, once the left's programs are implemented and the economy crashes, people will come to their senses."
Since the election, many on the right have echoed these very words.  They are convinced that widespread poverty and lack of opportunity will bring a resurgence of the America many of them knew growing up.  Grandma and Grandpa's America.  HA!
These folks forget that FDR was elected three times during a depression that he helped prolong -- a depression that featured soup lines and starvation in a population that actually wanted to work for a living and went on relief only as a last resort, and then with a sense of shame.
Thanks to food stamps, EBT cards, and other entitlements, Barack Obama actually had an easier time.  All he ad to do was threaten that the evil rich would take away flat-screens and "crazy money" to get enough votes.  Imagine if people were really hungry.
FDR and the Great Depression is only a mild example of what happens during severe economic stress.  Think about Germany during the Weimar Republic hyperinflation.  What did that give the world?  Look at Argentina, at one time in the twentieth century more prosperous than the United States.  Cristina Fernandez easily won re-election after she nationalized retirement accounts.  Do you really think that no one views your 401(k) as unfair?  What could be fairer than making sure it is kept protected from the greedy Wall Street bankers?  Look at what is happening in Greece, with a quazi-Nazi party gaining ground.  Look at France, who elected a socialist government to solve problems caused by socialism.  Go figure!
I could go on, but I think you get the point.  A nation's problems are always blamed on the evil rich (insert your racial scapegoat).  Do you really think it's being any different here?
What of the evil rich?  According to the left, they reside only in the Republican Party.  Nay my friends, not true.  There are plenty on the left -- probably more if you count the super-rich.  John Corzine, Jamie Dimon, George Soros, the Solyndra crew, and others who make impossible salaries on the backs of US taxpayers.  Too big to fail, reckless, immune to the law, and backstopped by the taxpayer.  Why take on Big Bird when you have real-life villains? 
When Sarah Palin spoke in Iowa in September 2011, her message was "crony capitalism" and how we are being fleeced by both parties in Washington.  This winning message was not picked up by anyone else.  I had to duct tape my head to keep it from exploding on this "oversight".
But enough about this past election.  What do we do to keep our country from sliding into a position where we are so destitute that we will vote for anyone who promises to give us a meal, a "healthy" meal, not a Big Mac with a Twinkie and a Big Gulp?  Let's begin by looking at the Democratic Party.  They are a coalition with essentially nothing in common but the fact that they all want something from someone else.  Why wasn't that used against them?  
The poor or those with college tuition debt vs. the über-rich? 
Unions vs. evil corporate greed?
Environmentalists vs. everyone else?
Those who cannot afford their birth control vs. those who can afford it?
I could go on and on.  Everyone fears something...fraud, dirty politics, Alinsky tactics, howling from the media...sure, we have heard it all before.
But, will it stick in voter's heads?  Darn right it will.
If a group is playing identity politics, that's its Achilles heel.  Let those who live by it succumb to it.
Remember, you have to pick off only a few.  That's how the game is played when it's played to win, and you do want to win, right?  Or will being allowed to carry your copy of the Bible or Atlas Shrugged into the destitute camps be enough for you?
Make no mistake: encouraging an economic crash is a bad idea.  A parasite will eventually kill the host, but it usually takes a while, and there is always hope for recovery.  Predators, on the other hand, devour the carcass in a rapid fashion.  No easier meal can be had.  Do not forget that predators are foreign to the body, and there are many circling outside our borders.  Even today, there is still plenty of flesh left on America -- flesh worth fighting for by whoever wants it most.
So, take heart and do not waver.
~Thank you Ebben Raves~

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