Saturday, September 19, 2020


 For Example:

They have already warned We the People that its hordes of mostly violent "protesters" will be in the streets doing what they do best UNLESS Harris and her cellar-dweller sidekick win.

They have long spread the disinformation that Republicans are engaged in voter suppression and seek to sabotage the 2020 election. They falsely claimed that Trump was removing mailboxes (people actually believed this) and that he opposes mail-in voting and ballot-harvesting for no reason other than preventing Democrats from voting. In reality, it’s Democrats who seek to engage in voter fraud by opposing any minimal standards for protecting election integrity.

They began labeling Trump a racist, tyrant, fascist, Nazi, and totalitarian before he had even taken office and absent any evidence. More recently, they began circulating the wild story that Trump would contest the election because, ya know, he’s an autocrat. Ironically, it’s the democrats, nevertrumpers and their minions who have hired an army of shysters to contest the election.

BOTTOM LINE = The propaganda arm, AKA the mainstream media, of these people will portray all efforts to actually protect the election from fraudulent acts as attempts to “steal the election.”

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